Maybe you want to take Viagra to help you last longer in bed, in addition to getting harder erections.

Why not kill two birds with one stone right?

But Can Viagra Help You Last Longer?

A medical study revealed that sildenafil – the active ingredient in Viagra – only had a 5% increase in the length of sexual performance among men.

So although sildenafil can have you standing at full attention, the results of the study prove that lasting longer in bed is not the primary function of Viagra.

What Else Won’t Viagra Do?

As I mentioned, Viagra does not help with premature ejaculation.

Another common question is whether Viagra will keep you erect after an orgasm.  Unfortunately, Viagra does not do this.  However, the recovery time needed to have sex again can be significantly reduced when using Viagra.  So instead of requiring 20 minutes of rest, you may only need 5 minutes to get back at it.

What Can Viagra Do?

Viagra has one main purpose: to make the body push more blood to your penis and make you have a stronger erection during sexual activity.

Take BlueChew for example, the sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra) used in their product widens your veins and can successfully increase your blood flow to help your phallus get an erection; similarly, Viagra has the ability to improve your confidence and reduce any anxiety that comes with wanting to l have longer-lasting erections in bed.

It may also cause flushing, nosebleeds, and muscle aches, as they are side effects of Viagra.

How Can Other Erectile Dysfunction Treatments Help Me Last Longer?

Other erectile dysfunction treatments tend to have the same goal as Viagra: to rectify erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis. The main goal of ED meds is to promote stronger and longer-lasting erections for men suffering from some form of ED.

Other Medications

Cialis is a formidable erectile dysfunction treatment that not only can make for a stronger erection, but also can be used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia and pulmonary arterial hypertension, which are both associated with constricted blood veins, which can be relaxed by using Cialis.

BlueChew places focus on increasing your confidence during sexual activity via relaxing your veins and capillaries. And like the others, Levitra is a common inhibitor that will relax your blood vessels for a strong erection and better overall sexual experience.


Counselling has shown many different benefits towards improving sexual experiences.

It has the knack to allow you to express what is mentally and emotionally happening within you that causing anxiety and/or sexual dysfunction so that you can relieve yourself of it and regain your confidence in your sexual abilities.

There are a few common types of counseling that have been known to help, including Sensate-Focus Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Psychosexual Therapy.

Check out this video on what causes sexual dysfunction and some techniques that you can use to overcome it.


Some men may feel awkward about this, but with modern technology at our fingertips, it’s possible to use a device to help you obtain a strong erection and last longer in bed.

A secular device that is commonly used among men is the Fleshlight Stamina Training Units, which provide you with the sensation of a female body, without the female, which gives you time to practice, practice, practice!

And of course, we all know the number one device that can reduce sensation and help you last a bit longer…condoms! Condoms were made for this reason and, according to men, do an effective job at reducing sensitivity, which can help you last longer in bed.


Having surgery to help you last longer in bed is becoming normalized due to individual ineffectiveness of Viagra or other erectile dysfunction treatments. Although there aren’t many, there are two surgical interventions that may help via augmentation.

You can learn more details of these physical changes in this video.

One of them is penile girth enhancement, which is the taking of excess fat from one place in your body and filling it under the skin of your genitalia.

The other surgery is penile elongation surgery; this technique cuts the ligament that’s connected to the base of your private area from your pelvis, which exposes more of the base penis, which could promote more confidence in your stroke and yourself.

You can seek professional medical advice to learn more about the effectiveness of these surgeries.

How to Last Longer in Bed Without the Help of Viagra

The infamous question of how to last longer in the bed has yet to be answered, but there are some solutions that may help you find the answer that you’re looking for.

Premature Ejaculation Spray

Since Viagra is not prone to hindering ejaculation, investing in a premature ejaculation spray could be your next step. Premature ejaculation sprays have natural or processed chemicals that desensitize or numb your penile head and shaft.

With little to no feeling in your penis, it will seem easier to get an erection and sustain it during your sexual moment, without the worry of releasing too soon.

There are many different types of premature ejaculation sprays to choose from and is best practice to research the chemical associated with it for your physical and biological safety.

Increased Weight

That’s right, men with a higher body mass index (BMI) had a more extended sex period than those with a smaller BMI.

This is due to their body being less sensitive to stimulation because of their layered fat and muscles.

It showed that as BMI increased, ejaculating too soon decreased. So, if you are wanting to finish a sex marathon someday, putting on some healthy weight may be a great step forward.


Your life’s habits have a major impact on your sexual life, and thankfully there are simple changes that can be made in order to have a better sex life without the help of Viagra.

Regular exercise has been proven to increase libido and sexual stamina in men due to the constant dilation of the blood vessels, meaning better and stronger erections for longer periods of time.

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