by Allan Campbell M.D. | Jan 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
The m-assist project was a World Health Organisation (WHO) funded randomised, controlled trial conducted by the University of Cape Town and Cell-Life to evaluate the use of mobile phones in Medical Abortion (MA). It aimed to assess whether the combination of...
by Allan Campbell M.D. | Jan 11, 2020 | Facts
Antiretroviral therapy is an essential part of HIV treatment which allows you to maximise the effectiveness of the medications one consumes. There are many effective ways antiretroviral therapy helps in the life expectancy of people which has increased remarkably over...
by Allan Campbell M.D. | Jan 2, 2020 | Technology
The main aim of community nowadays is to help fight HIV and AIDS as there are many alumni who are looking to the technological advancements into the lives of communities who are more prone. These communities include San Francisco, Vietnam, Malawi, South Africa,...